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Overview of PublisherGrowth

How can help you reach your target audiences

Overview of PublisherGrowth and its Benefits for Merchants

PublisherGrowth is a comprehensive adtech review, listing, and discovery platform, designed to help digital publishing businesses thrive. Our website serves as a centralized community hub, connecting adtech and hosting partners with affiliates and publishers to facilitate mutually beneficial collaborations. The primary objective is to enhance visibility for adtech partners and create more revenue opportunities for publishers. We aim to achieve this by reinventing the wheel of the publishing business through editorial partnerships, user reviews, collaborative listings and brand amplification, all through one social, unified platform.

How can help you reach your target audiences:

  • Listing and Major Content Visibility: Through PublisherGrowth, adtech and hosting partners can create a software profile, collaborative review articles, and get listed on prominent categories to showcase their innovative products/solutions to a wide pool of publishers and boost brand visibility and rankings. Your software/product will have a brand partner profile page which will contain all the articles published by you and important links. A PublisherGrowth “Verified” badge will further spotlight our distinguished partners while cementing trust and credibility among publishers.


  • Strategic Content Creation: Collaborate with us on content that highlights your unique solutions, customer success stories, and industry insights, aligning with your marketing goals. Do more with ebooks, webinars, snippets, and newsletters to propel publisher interactions and engagement.
  • Targeted Exposure: Reach a highly engaged audience looking for cutting-edge solutions in adtech, hosting, and publishing.
  • Authentic Publisher Reviews and Testimonials: We host authentic user reviews and client testimonials to bring more transparency to the publishing industry as a whole. Think of us as similar to G2, but exclusively for publishers.
  • Lead Generation and Publisher Acquisition: Publisher Growth can generate leads for merchants by connecting them with qualified publishers who are actively searching for relevant monetization solutions in their industry or niche.
  • Marketing and Branding: We provide adtech and hosting networks with marketing opportunities through sponsored placements, advertisements, collaborative reviews and other promotional activities to increase brand awareness and reach new publishers.

Overview of PublisherGrowth