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Listing Products/Services:

Guide to adding a software profile

  • Adding a software profile: You can add your brand software profile by navigating to the “Software & Apps” section of the dashboard.
  • Optimizing software profile for better visibility: Providing a link back to your PublisherGrowth software profile from your brand site will further strengthen the profile's search rankings by optimizing its content veracity. This can be done by highlighting essential keywords/anchortext, and hyperlinking them to the corresponding articles.
  • Updating the listing profile: If a brand profile is already listed with us, you can always update the product information if required and keep things up to date.
  • Adding Images: Adding relevant screenshots of things like your platform dashboard, publisher analytics and earnings blurring key sensitive data, and signup actions can help establish clear expectations.  When adding images, ensure they are in webP format for better page speed. 
  • Adding a webinar: Reach a highly engaged audience looking for cutting-edge solutions through a section or tab labeled “Webinars” on your dashboard. You may upload the description, URL, date and time of the webinar for our publishers to automatically be notified.
  • Adding a conference: Similarly, brand conferences can be posted by entering a description, URL and time for automated announcements.
  • Adding an eBook: Adding further resources like eBooks and audiobooks can propel further engagement.
  • Adding a deal: Announce exciting brand promotions through the Deals page by entering things like discount rates, coupon codes and deal expiry dates.