Editorial Staff

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RollerAds Review: A Push Notification Advertising Network for Publishers

RollerAds Review: A Push Notification Advertising Network for Publishers

Remember the last ad monetization platform that truly shook things up? Neither do we. Let's face it, most platforms just tweak the edges. The average consumer sees about 600-1000 ads per day— urging one to wonder, how many of these ads truly break through banner blindness and stand the potential to resonate? Surpassing the deafening ad clutter and connecting your audience with exactly the right offers is practically every publisher’s dream. The right ad network can simplify this task for publishers by connecting them with relevant advertisers for their audience. While there are numerous platforms with flexible monetization solutions today, and AdSense is one of them— it definitely isn't the only player in the market. Newer networks with superior ad monetization solutions are amplifying revenue streams just as well, within a shorter time frame. This brings us to RollerAds, whose comprehensive solutions go beyond mere traffic generation, to offer publishers a winning combination of targeted push notifications, anti-fraud protection, and intelligent optimizations to connect with the best advertisers. In this RollerAds review, we will attempt to conduct an in-depth exploration of the platform, to show what it can do, what makes it different, its features and capabilities, and why we recommend it.

by Editorial Staff
Leveraging Technology to Create Compelling Ad Campaigns

Leveraging Technology to Create Compelling Ad Campaigns

Today, technology plays a significant role in nearly every aspect of our lives, and advertising is no exception. With the right tech tools and strategies, anyone can create outstanding ad campaigns. If you're curious about how to harness the power of technology for crafting compelling ads, you're in the right place. In this guide, we'll walk you through some simple yet effective ways to leverage technology to your advantage.

by Editorial Staff
The 7 Best Ad Networks for Dating Sites

The 7 Best Ad Networks for Dating Sites

A huge trend among teenagers, dating apps have a huge future ahead. The industry of online dating is constantly evolving and this also leads to greater competition and makes it important to attract the right audience if you wish to succeed. Using the power of good ad networks has always been an excellent strategy to increase visibility, get new users and boost revenue. Find out more about the best ad networks for dating sites and their key features and benefits.

by Editorial Staff
The 7 Best Ad Networks for Ecommerce Sites

The 7 Best Ad Networks for Ecommerce Sites

In this age of vast ecommerce opportunities, publishers are steering towards eCommerce and affiliate monetization models in order to better and diversify revenue streams. This move is very strategic and can be overwhelming too, which makes it necessary for publishers to choose the best ad network for eCommerce sites. Using eCommerce ad networks, publishers can level up their publishing strategy, connect with global advertisers, optimize ad placements and drive more revenue. Read up this list of the best ad networks for eCommerce sites and find out the features, benefits and more of the listed networks.

by Editorial Staff
The 7 Best Ad Networks for Forum or Community Sites

The 7 Best Ad Networks for Forum or Community Sites

For the vast realm of online forums and online communities, publishers have a major role to play in creating and nurturing engagement and connections. Ad networks are the intermediaries that buy and sell ad inventories from publishers to advertisers.  This article serves as a comprehensive guide for publishers, uncovering the seven best ad networks tailored for forum or community sites. Explore key features, benefits, and strategies to enhance revenue while maintaining a positive user experience.

by Editorial Staff
The 7 Best Ad Networks for Gaming Sites

The 7 Best Ad Networks for Gaming Sites

In the gaming sector, most ad networks are aiming towards audience monetization. However, it is quite difficult to get customers to make in-app purchases and mobile ads remain one of the best ways to monetize the free games.  All ad campaigns have a broad range and ad networks help you find the right ad space. The ad networks facilitate a connection between app developers and advertisers and helps the former monetize and helps the latter create more targeted ad campaigns. 

by Editorial Staff
7 Must-Have AI Tools for Journalists in 2024

7 Must-Have AI Tools for Journalists in 2024

From crafting compelling narratives to identifying hidden trends, AI tools are transforming the journalist's toolkit, offering a range of possibilities to write better stories, streamline tasks, and uncover deeper insights. While AI tools have its potential challenges, if used mindfully, cutting-edge AI tools can deliver accuracy, scalability and efficiency, enabling reporters to focus their efforts on more journalistic tasks instead. AI can assist journalism in so many ways, such as generating headlines, facilitating the analysis of large data sets, conducting grammar and style checks, paraphrasing, content detection and even transcribing verbal interviews into written text. With the sheer amount of benefits and flexibility these tools have to offer, it is worth looking into the 7 must-have AI tools for journalists in 2024. But, before we delve into our list, let’s talk about how to select the ideal one for your needs.

by Editorial Staff
The 7 Best AdSense Alternatives in Australia

The 7 Best AdSense Alternatives in Australia

The quest for effective monetization strategies is an ongoing challenge for bloggers and publishers in Australia, given to its limited audience set. Although Google continues to be a popular choice, the industry is slowly making its way towards niche based adtech solutions that can offer more competitive CPM rates. In this article, we are going to explore some of the best alternatives to AdSense, examine their key features and the added benefits for publishers. 

by Editorial Staff
7 Best SMS Plugins for WordPress

7 Best SMS Plugins for WordPress

Communication reigns supreme in the digital world we are thriving in. Hence, as WordPress continues to dominate as the leading content management system, web admins and digital marketers are rediscovering the power of SMS. Since smartphones are essentially an extension of ourselves, SMS plugins offer unique opportunities to bridge the gap between mobile devices and websites.  This article explores WordPress's seven best SMS plugins. Each plugin has been meticulously selected to enhance your website’s communication strategy, elevate engagement, and streamline notifications.  From automated alerts to personalized marketing campaigns, we've got it all covered!

by Editorial Staff

What our publishers are saying!

Our publishers are excited to share their experience with you!

The team at Publishergrowth reviewed my site and recommended the ad networks, which helped me double my overall website revenue. Also, the approvals were a breeze. I am particularly excited about their 'sponsored posts' solution since that will be an added revenue for my website.


Piyali Ghosh

I was looking for additional monetization options for my website. With my limited knowledge, I was unable to make the right selections. After I signed up at Publishergrowth, the team performed a site audit and recommended me some ad networks. My overall revenue grew by 44%.


Umesh Gupta

If you have used a product for a long term, you are in a much better position to review it and compare it with others. There are networks that do shady affairs, and thus it becomes very important for publishers like us to know more about ad platforms, tools, and services before working with them.


Abhishek Dey