Editorial Staff

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Programmatic Direct vs Programmatic Guaranteed

Programmatic Direct vs Programmatic Guaranteed

Programmatic Direct makes everything an absolute cakewalk for publishers with the automation of negotiations and sales of the direct-sold inventory. They allow you to negotiate Programmatic Guaranteed, that is, the guaranteed, reserved inventory, and Preferred deal, which is the non-guaranteed, unreserved inventory campaigns in Ad Manager. They allow you to do the negotiations of the terms of your campaign and mutually agree on details with a buyer within the Ad Manager.  They provide buyers the flexibility to suggest changes during negotiations or accept them. On agreement on the terms by both parties, Ad Manager sets up a campaign for delivery automatically. The overhead of creative management, as buyers host and manage the creatives on their system, is reduced exponentially by Programmatic Direct. Ad Manager tackles all the impressions, billings, and payments to do away with issues in management or discrepancies at all. Programmatic Direct makes sales simple and minimizes the probability of errors by humans because the complete process runs in one system.

by Editorial Staff
10 Ways to Increase Website Revenue with Google Ad Manager

10 Ways to Increase Website Revenue with Google Ad Manager

Publisher find Google Ad Exchange to be an important part of their advertising business. However, it is important to understand that the account with AdX will be of no use if it does not capture the revenue potential via the marketplace. Google Ad Manager is a complete ad serving and monetization solution with integrated capability of ad serving (ad server), ad monetization (ad exchange), and yield management (SSP), all put in ome. One of the most crucial parts of Ad Manager is the seamless integration of user data which forms the crux of targeted advertising and ROI for advertisers. By the end of this insightful post, you’ll learn the different ways in which you can use Google Ad Manager to increase your website revenue and optimize your ad serving all from one platform. So, let’s go ahead and take a look at 10 best ways to increase your website ad revenue with Google Ad Manager.

by Editorial Staff
Preferred Deals or Private Marketplaces (PMPs): Advantages

Preferred Deals or Private Marketplaces (PMPs): Advantages

Non-guaranteed floor, you get my inventory directly through me, thus getting all the targeting perks and optimization attention, maybe priority over Open if you are spending, but if demand is up, you may end up paying more. Do an analysis of your Open average winning bids and experiment with what you are pricing; I think 2x your open rate is a good starting point, and adjust accordingly to fluctuations. I'll do an analysis monthly but typically only change PMP rates every six months or yearly.

by Editorial Staff
How to Protect Your Inventory in Programmatic and RTB Auctions

How to Protect Your Inventory in Programmatic and RTB Auctions

Protection helps you in the management of your brand and in avoiding competing advertisers' ads from appearing together and helps determine which inventory must be made available for Open Auction. They satisfy the targeting of an ad request that applies to ad requests, and more than one rule may apply to the same ad request. There are three kinds of Protections- Ad Content Competition Inventory exclusion. There are some network-level controls that help opt into or out of Google Demand Sources, which include Google Display Network (GDN) and Display and Video 360.

by Editorial Staff
The Drawbacks of Auto Refresh Ads in Advertising

The Drawbacks of Auto Refresh Ads in Advertising

In the simplest terms, auto refresh ads are ones that refresh automatically and serve new ads to users while they visit a specific web page.Today, most of the exchanges and DSPs are open to bidding on auto-refreshing ad slots due to the wide adaption of the same. Many SSPs, intermediaries and ad tech companies are optimizing their auto-refresh tech to bring in more revenue for publishers. It's been quite a few years that I have been using auto-refresh on a few of my sites, and the feeling is mixed. Specifically, in this post, I'll be talking about the demerits of auto-refresh and how it had cost me thousands of dollars in the long run only to realize it doesn't work well on all the sites; rather negatively affects a few. 

by Editorial Staff
How Programmatic Auctions Work: Insights for Publishers

How Programmatic Auctions Work: Insights for Publishers

The ad auction is instrumental in choosing the ads that will appear on your pages and also deciding the potential earning from those ads. All ads bring different amounts of money, and that is dependent on a couple of factors, like the advertiser’s bid for the ads. The ads that win in the auction start to appear on your website, app, or other digital property. The ad auction was curated to ensure that you get the best possible revenue for your ad space. When you see the number of advertisers' bids to show on your pages increasing, you know that the competition for your inventory is high, and so is the potential income.

by Editorial Staff
Programmatic Guaranteed Best Practices for Publishers

Programmatic Guaranteed Best Practices for Publishers

Programmatic guaranteed in the truest senses, modernizes ad buying and expands on what programmatic advertising promises, i.e, the automated buying process to help deliver more value. The programmatic guaranteed deal is an automated buying solution with tagless trafficking, advanced reporting, and billing. These deals help execute direct buys with publishers while removing the manual processes like exchanging tags, troubleshooting discrepancies, and more.  In this article, you will find an entire check that you can go through to reassure yourself that you have not missed anything while setting up your Programmatic Guaranteed campaigns.

by Editorial Staff
The Benefits of Auto-Refreshing Ads for Publishers

The Benefits of Auto-Refreshing Ads for Publishers

Today, most of the exchanges and DSPs are open to bidding on auto-refreshing ad slots due to the wide adaption of the same. Many SSPs, intermediaries and ad tech companies are optimizing their auto-refresh tech to bring in more revenue for publishers. It's been quite a few years that I have been using auto-refresh on a few of my sites, and the feeling is mixed. Specifically, in this post, I'll be talking about the demerits of auto-refresh and how it had cost me thousands of dollars in the long run only to realize it doesn't work well on all the sites; rather negatively affects a few. 

by Editorial Staff
6 Best Programmatic Audio Advertising Platforms and Companies

6 Best Programmatic Audio Advertising Platforms and Companies

Digital audio ads, increased audio content consumption, streaming services and such are completely changing the advertising landscape and turning us all towards audio advertising solutions. Programmatic advertising has witnessed major success in all areas of advertising, and there is no doubt that programmatic audio has enormous potential. Digital audio advertising serves ads within the audio context while users listen to podcasts or digital radio. Programmatic includes all the processes that go through an automated system. Programmatic advertising uses technology and automates ads' selling process and insertion into audio content like podcasts, radio, and music streaming services. Programmatic audio advertising is the way of ad insertion via automated placement on the online audio mediums like podcasts, music streaming services, and such. We have listed some of the best programmatic audio advertising platforms and companies to help work out an audio advertising campaign.

by Editorial Staff

What our publishers are saying!

Our publishers are excited to share their experience with you!

The team at Publishergrowth reviewed my site and recommended the ad networks, which helped me double my overall website revenue. Also, the approvals were a breeze. I am particularly excited about their 'sponsored posts' solution since that will be an added revenue for my website.


Piyali Ghosh

I was looking for additional monetization options for my website. With my limited knowledge, I was unable to make the right selections. After I signed up at Publishergrowth, the team performed a site audit and recommended me some ad networks. My overall revenue grew by 44%.


Umesh Gupta

If you have used a product for a long term, you are in a much better position to review it and compare it with others. There are networks that do shady affairs, and thus it becomes very important for publishers like us to know more about ad platforms, tools, and services before working with them.


Abhishek Dey