

Comscore is a trusted currency for planning, transacting, and evaluating media across platforms.

Comscore Description

Comscore helps measure what matters to make cross-platform audiences and advertising more valuable. It is a trusted currency for planning, transacting, and evaluating media across platforms. It helps buyers and sellers in the social space understand their value by turning real-time data from the social media landscape into actionable insights that drive successful business outcomes. It helps measurements make sense and connect the dots to help publishers grow their businesses.

Comscore Software Images

Comscore Features and Capabilities

  • Measurement: Helps measure digital audiences for all content types
  • Marketing impact: Helps maximize marketing effectiveness
  • Movie: Helps measure global box office performance
  • Programmatic targeting: Offers powerful programmatic tools to target cross-platform audiences
  • Social: Helps understand the value of social media audiences.