PushOwl Description

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PushOwl is known to be the best web push notification app to boost your Shopify sales. It is trusted by more than 25,000 Shopify merchants to convert store visitors into subscribers, engage with their customers, recover abandoned carts, drive repeat purchases and increase their sales by sending targeted web push notifications. It helps you market your sales and products faster as web push notifications are directly sent to your shopper's device screens and ensures that your promotions aren't missed, guaranteeing to drive more clicks and conversions. 

PushOwl Features and Capabilities

PushOwl is a promising channel for online stores, generating 100x ROI and boosting sales and revenue via:

  • Recover abandoned carts: Helps remind shoppers about items left in their carts to effectively reduce cart abandonment and drive more purchases.
  • Market to shoppers directly: Sends your promotions directly to your shoppers' device screens, ensuring higher visibility and clicks.
  • Track performance with smart reports: Analyze how your campaigns and automated notifications are performed and make quick changes with reports.
  • Market to shoppers on any device: Offers cross-platform support, allowing you to target shoppers on any supported device or browser. No mobile app is required.
  • Simplified personalization: Helps target shoppers based on their location, purchase history, behaviour, etc., using Segmentation to personalize your promotions and increase conversions.
  • Retarget browsers into buyers: Helps target shoppers who showed interest in specific products, remind them about what they viewed, and convert their interest into a purchase.
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PushOwl Key Facts

Pushowl helps ecommerce grow more in revenue and less in expenses. It is the leading web push notifications app on the Shopify store. In the last four years, they have helped leading brands and more than 25,000 merchants drive more revenue with web push notifications reaching millions of end consumers every day.

PushOwl Pricing

Pushowl offers the following pricing plans with a 60-day money-back guarantee:

  • The Basic plan is free and allows you to use basic automation and send push campaigns to all your subscribers.
  • The Business plan will cost you USD 19 per month, and sends abandoned cart reminders and more to take your store to the next level.
  • For the Enterprise plan, you have to email them for custom plans that include their advanced features and services.

PushOwl FAQ

Yes, if you need more notification impressions than your monthly impressions quota, you can get in touch with them via [email protected].

No, Pushowl does not charge any setup fees or any hidden charges.

You have to write to them within the first 60 days of your paid subscription, and they shall refund the money via Shopify’s billing without asking any questions.