Waytogrow Description

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Waytogrow is a platform with award-winning website monetization solutions that can help you monetize your ad revenue. The solutions are easy-to-implement and fully integrated with Google and Amazon and also make sure that you take advantage of the latest innovations and comply with the highest standards.

Using Waytogrow solutions, publishers can unlock their full potential and grow revenue easily. The Google Certified Publishing Partner is at the top of the game with regards to programmatic advertising and use the technologically advanced solutions to grow ad revenue.

Quick Facts
Google Publishing Partner
Sticky Ads

Waytogrow Products

  • GROW sticky banner: A technologically advanced sticky anchor ad format
  • GROW smart engine: A tool that creates dynamic display ad network within the articles
  • GROW double tower: A technologically advanced double anchor sidebar ad solution
  • GROW twin booster: The ultimate in-content ad solution for article pages
  • GROW interstitial: A fullscreen ad format where ads are shown while switching between pages
  • GROW video player: A solution that shows in-stream ads

Waytogrow Features and Capabilities

  • Fully optimized: The solution has a mix of AI and human optimization that keeps your domain earning at its full potential. 
  • 30+ SSP partners: Partners with over 30 global SSPs to provide the best demand source mix to every publisher and give the ad units access to Google’s Ad Exchange
  • Open and header bidding: Combines both open and header bidding to make sure that the ad units are accessible to the widest range of bidders. 
  • UX friendly and customizable: Designed to be completely UX friendly and has lightweight codes to keep it customizable according to your needs. 
  • Technological support: Scored 88.9 in Google NPS customer satisfaction rating, Waytogrow has a team of dedicated account managers to guide you.
  • Data privacy and compliance: Assists you with data compliance and CMP implementation while also providing consultation on all matters in relation to GDPR and CCPA compliance.
  • Transparency: The Google Certified Publishing Partner and IAB member, Waytogrow uploads highest standards in transparency and data compliance
  • Google certified publishing partner: The solution is competent with a suite of Google products and expert knowledge and in hence is a group of yield optimization provides certified by Google.
  • Personalized analytics: Offers access to Waytogrow panel that allows analysis of performance and management of revenue. 
  • Cookieless: Supports multiple user ID modules and is ready for the cookieless world.

Waytogrow Payment Info

Waytogrow provides a settlement report to clients each month with the calculated revenue. In accordane with that, publishers have to create an invoice. The publishers are paid on a 45 day payment cycle via Wire Transfer in either EUR or USD.

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Waytogrow Key Facts

  • A group of programmatic ad experts and developers have created Waytogrow to deliver first-class yield maximization services to help publishers increase rvenue. 
  • Waytogrow operates in 80+ countries with 5 offices in Europe and the US, managing a portfolio of 1100+ websites worldwide.
  • Waytogrow is a specialist in  header bidding, yield optimization, ads, programmatic advertising, monetization, ad tech, ad traffic, GDPR compliant advertising, and Google Ads.

Waytogrow Geos Served

Waytogrow serves ads globally and operates in 80+ countries with 5 offices in Europe and the US, managing a portfolio of 1100+ websites worldwide.

Waytogrow Publisher Eligibility

Waytogrow has no limits. However, depending on your traffic and size, Waytogrow will first analyse your web data to determine the possibility of cooperate. As a Google Certified Publishing Partner, they adhere to the policy guidelines so publishers have to be approved by Google and must comply with the MCM program.

Waytogrow Revenue Share

Waytogrow operates primarily on a revenue share model, wherein they take a commission from the ad based earnings which are generated. In the initial consultation phase, the parties shall agree on a fair pricing system based on the Publishers needs. The platform is pretty flexible to discuss alternative pricing models proposed by the Publisher. For Example if the Publisher is open to sharing their financial data, Waytogrow is happy to operate on a fixed CPM or flat fee model.

Waytogrow Ad Formats

  • Sticky banner ads: Offers technologically advanced sticky anchor ad format
  • Display ads: Shows display ada within the articles
  • Interstitial ads: A fullscreen ad format where ads are shown while switching between pages
  • Video player: Shows in-stream video ads

Waytogrow FAQ

Every piece of online ad inventory is an individual case but Waytogrow reports around 50-70% of the uplift in programmatic revenues.

Waytogrw is grown on prebid.js which allows it to connect to the majority of SSPs, which is not offers by exchange bidding solutions.

The plug and play solutions can be implemented within 1-2 business days post approval by Google. In a complex case, full process of integration takes 5-10 business days.

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