7 Things You Shouldn’t Ignore as a Publisher

Last Updated: August 28, 2024
Category: Blogging
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Being a publisher is fun, but it also comes with some responsibilities you can't ignore. It's like running a small business. You need to make sure your website is not just attracting visitors but also keeping them around. It's not just about creating content, it's about making an experience that makes people want to come back. There are a few important things that can really affect your success online. If you miss them, your hard work might not pay off. But don't worry, we're here to help. Let's go over seven important things you should always focus on to keep your site working at its best.

  • 7 Things You Shouldn’t Ignore as a Publisher
    • How Publishers Can Grow Their Niche? 7 Tips You Can’t Ignore as a website owner
    • 1. Your Website Speed
    • 2. Audience Retention - Powerful way to retain and go viral. 
    • 3. Reduce Bounce Rates: Reduce as much as possible
    • 4. SEO Errors
    • 5. Site Indexing Rate
    • 6. Post Updates: How often do you update your articles? 
    • 7. Monetization

How Publishers Can Grow Their Niche? 7 Tips You Can’t Ignore as a website owner

Being a publisher is fun, but it also comes with some responsibilities you can't ignore. It's like running a small business. You need to make sure your website is not just attracting visitors but also keeping them around. It's not just about creating content, it's about making an experience that makes people want to come back.

There are a few important things that can really affect your success online. If you miss them, your hard work might not pay off. But don't worry, we're here to help. Let's go over seven important things you should always focus on to keep your site working at its best.

1. Your Website Speed

Let’s talk about something that might seem a bit boring but is actually a game-changer: website speed. Imagine you’re all set to dive into a new article, but the site takes forever to load. Annoying, right? Most people won’t stick around for that. 

If your site is slow, visitors will bounce faster than you can say “loading,” and Google won’t be too happy either. Speed matters more than you might think, it affects everything from user experience to your search rankings.

So, what can you do to make sure your site is running as fast as possible? It’s actually not that hard. 

Here’s How you can Improve your website speed:

  • Optimize Core Web Vitals: Improve your LCP, FID, and CLS scores to boost user experience and Google rankings. Use tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to monitor and enhance these metrics.
  • Compress and Resize Images: Large images can slow down your site. Plugins like Smush or ShortPixel automatically compress and resize images, making your site load faster without losing quality.
  • Implement Caching: Caching speeds up your site by storing parts of it locally. WordPress plugins like WP Rocket or W3 Total Cache make it easy to set up and manage caching.
  • Minimize JavaScript: Too much JavaScript can slow down your site. Use Autoptimize or WP Rocket to minimise and defer JavaScript, helping your site load essential content faster.
  • Use a CDN: A Content Delivery Network (CDN) speeds up your site by delivering content from servers closer to your visitors. Cloudflare is an excellent option that works well with WordPress sites.

2. Audience Retention - Powerful way to retain and go viral.

Keeping your audience interested is important for long-term success. One of the best ways to keep visitors coming back is through push notifications. While there are other ways to hold onto your audience, like creating Telegram or WhatsApp groups, or even starting a YouTube channel, push notifications are especially effective.

Steady Traffic

Regular visitors keep your website traffic stable, which is good for ads and visibility.

More Ad Revenue

Consistent traffic means more people see and click on ads, which increases your earnings.

Higher Search Rankings

When people keep coming back, search engines see your site as valuable, which can boost your rankings.

Viral Content

Engaged users are more likely to share your content, helping you reach more people.

Pro Tip: Using Larapush can also help your content get noticed by Google Discover, which is great for more visibility. As per the Semrush report, direct traffic is the most influential factor for a website ranking, hence push notifications make you rank higher on search engine.

LaraPush is a platform you host yourself with no limits. You can add as many websites, collect as many subscribers, and send as many notifications as you want. The best part? You only pay once, and it's yours forever. No extra charges.


Let’s look at an example. If you aim to get 500,000 subscribers in a year, you'd usually have to pay more than $5,000 each year with other push notification services. But with Larapush, you just need a pay once to get started. If you’re not sure, check their pricing and see for yourself.

3. Reduce Bounce Rates: Reduce as much as possible

A high bounce rate indicates that visitors leave your site after viewing just one page. This could mean your content isn’t engaging or your site is hard to navigate.

Steps to Reduce Bounce Rates:

  • Analyze bounce rates using Google Analytics.
  • Improve content relevance to match visitor expectations.
  • Use internal linking and compelling calls-to-action (CTAs) to encourage deeper exploration of your site.

4. SEO Errors

SEO is the foundation of your online visibility. Even small errors can have a big impact on your rankings. You can use screamingfrog to get rid of these errors. `

Common SEO Errors to Watch For:

  • Broken links
  • Missing meta descriptions
  • Incorrect use of header tags

Solution: Regularly audit your site with tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, or Google Search Console to identify and fix these issues.

5. Site Indexing Rate

If your content isn’t indexed by search engines, it won’t appear in search results, no matter how well-optimized it is.

How to Ensure Proper Indexing:

  • Check indexing status using Google Search Console.
  • Submit sitemaps regularly to ensure all your content is indexed.
  • Review your robots.txt file to avoid blocking important pages from being indexed.

6. Post Updates: How often do you update your articles?

Regularly updating your content is important for maintaining relevance and authority in your niche. Fresh content is more appealing to both users and search engines.

Why Content Updates Matter:

  • Improves user experience by providing current and valuable information.
  • Boosts SEO rankings as search engines favour updated content.

Action Steps:

  • Review older posts periodically.
  • Update statistics and add new insights to keep content fresh.
  • Enhance overall quality to maintain audience engagement.

7. Monetization

Making money from your content is important to keep your website going. Here are some easy ways to do it:

Monetization Strategies:

  • Display ads: Place relevant ads on your site.
  • Affiliate marketing: Promote products related to your content.
  • Sponsored posts: Partner with brands for paid content.
  • Subscriptions: Offer premium content to paying subscribers.

Tip: Use ad optimization tools like header bidding to maximise ad revenue.


To do well as a publisher, you need to focus on these seven key areas. From keeping your website fast to using tools like Larapush to engage your audience, each part is important for your site's success. By paying attention to these details, you'll attract more visitors, keep them interested, and help your site grow stronger.


Editorial Staff at Publisher Growth is a team of blogging and AdTech experts adept at creating how-to, tutorials, listings, and reviews that can publishers run their online businesses in a better way.

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