The Best In-Image Ad Networks for Publishers

Almost half–or 47%-of marketers incorporate images in their content, including ads. In 2023, more than 75% of the marketing content of 21.9% of marketers contained visuals (source). In-image advertising blends seamlessly within visual content to enhance user engagement without disrupting the browsing experience quite native ads. This advertising format overlays graphic or textual ads on images, creating opportunities for advertisers to promote their services directly on related media content. When users engage with these ads, publishers earn revenue through clicks or sales, tapping into a lucrative monetization strategy.

In-image ad networks bridge the gap between publishers and advertisers by facilitating the integration of ads into digital images. These networks offer a suite of services from finding relevant advertising partners to handling the technical nuances of ad placement and ad performance tracking.

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Benefits of Using In-Image Ad Networks for Publishers

In-image ads are not just aesthetically pleasing; they offer tangible benefits that can transform the monetization strategies of publishers.

  • Enhanced User Engagement: In-image ads typically achieve higher engagement rates than traditional banner ads. By integrating ads into images naturally part of the content, these ads catch the eye more effectively, leading to better click-through rates. For instance, publishers often see an increase of 20-40% in engagement with in-image ads compared to standard banners.
  • Improved Visual Experience: These ads enhance the visual experience by meshing with the content rather than interrupting it. This integration helps maintain the aesthetic quality of the publisher's website, ensuring that user experience remains high.
  • Diversification of Revenue: In-image advertising allows publishers to diversify beyond traditional ad formats such as display or video. This variety can protect against revenue fluctuations in other advertising areas and boost overall earnings.
  • Simple Integration: Setting up in-image ads can be straightforward, thanks to technologies like JavaScript snippets or CMS plugins. Advanced setups might include header bidding technologies to optimize revenue through real-time bidding.

How to Choose the Right In-Image Ad Network?

Selecting an effective in-image ad network is crucial to maximize the benefits of this ad format. Publishers should consider several factors to ensure they choose a network that aligns with their needs.

  • Relevancy of Ads: Ensure the network can serve ads that are contextually relevant to the images and content on your site.
  • Payout Efficiency: Opt for networks offering quicker payout terms, like NET 30, to improve cash flow.
  • Technological Sophistication: A network with advanced technology can manage multiple demand partners without compromising site performance or ad load times.
  • Demand and Fill Rates: High integration with SSPs, DSPs, and Exchanges ensures competitive bidding, potentially increasing CPMs.
  • Network Reputation: Investigate the network’s track record, customer support, and publisher feedback.
  • Customization Capabilities: Look for networks that offer control over ad placements and formats to maintain the integrity of your site’s design.
  • Robust Ad Demand: A network with strong connections to numerous demand partners ensures better ad fill rates and competitive CPM rates.

While in-image advertising offers numerous benefits, it may not be suitable for all types of content. Publishers with heavily text-oriented sites might find limited value in this method. Additionally, poorly implemented in-image ads can be seen as intrusive, potentially harming the user experience.

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AdMedia is the premier advertising and marketing network that helps publishers make the most of their websites by displaying relevant and targeted ads.


Imonomy is an intelligent in-image platform that helps maximize ad performance by delivering high CPMs and generating incremental revenue.


AdsCompass operates as a global ad network facilitating beneficial partnerships among publishers, webmasters, advertisers, and ad networks worldwide. With a presence in over 200 GEOs, they support a diverse range of ad formats including Push Notifications, In-page, Native, Pop, and Calendar iOS ads. Publishers earn revenue for each valid click generated from their websites, with ads displayed based on the highest bidding rates to maximize earnings.


How Publishers can Implement In-Image Ads Effectively:

Implementation strategies can significantly impact the success of in-image ads. Proper integration ensures that ads are both effective and unobtrusive.

  • Strategic Ad Placement: Place ads in a way that they naturally blend with the site’s content and layout.
  • A/B Testing: Regularly test different ad formats and placements to determine which configurations yield the best results.
  • User Feedback: Monitor user feedback to ensure that the ads do not negatively impact the user experience.
  • Monitoring and Optimization: Continuous monitoring and optimization of in-image ads are vital for maximizing revenue and maintaining a positive user experience.
  • Regular Updates: Keep the ad placements and formats fresh and aligned with emerging design trends and user preferences.

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Challenges and Solutions in In-Image Advertising

While in-image ads offer numerous benefits, they come with their own set of challenges that need strategic handling. Common challenges includes Increasing use of ad blockers can reduce the visibility of in-image ads and potential negative perception if ads are too intrusive or irrelevant. These challenges can be mitigated by encouraging users to whitelist the site or offer ad-light versions for subscribed users or by using adblock recovery tools. Also, publishers should work closely with the ad network to ensure ads are highly relevant and engaging to the audience.

In-image ad networks offer a dynamic tool for publishers aiming to enhance their revenue streams through visually integrated advertising. By choosing the right network and strategically implementing in-image ads, publishers can not only boost their earnings but also improve the user experience on their digital properties. Whether through increased engagement, diversified revenue, or enhanced aesthetics, in-image advertising holds a promising place in the future of digital content monetization.

In-Image Ad Network FAQs

In-image ads are ads that use a graphic to promote something. Once a user clicks on a link, they are taken to the relevant website.