Video Intelligence Description

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Video Intelligence by Outbrain is a contextual video platform that connects publishers, content creators and brands via video storytelling. They create coherent video moments on your desk, on-the-go, or on your TV. The platform effectively eradicates the issues of media consumption like distractions, irrelevance and poor user experience by bringing context to videos with AI and automation, and placing their ads with relevant content. 

Regardless of your publishing platform, Video Intelligence assists you in adding context to your videos and creating memorable moments that keep visitors engaged for longer periods, improving user experience and maximizing your monetization opportunities. 
Quick Facts
Quick Setup
Faster Payouts (NET 30 days)
~ $100 Payment Threshold

Video Intelligence Products


Video Intelligence Software Images

Video Intelligence Features and Capabilities

  • Top Advertisers: Video Intelligence has an impressive advertisers, with most of them being listed as Fortune 500 brands.
  • Detailed Analysis: The platform offers an in-depth analysis of your content, to create compelling segments for your brands.
  • User-friendly Dashboard: Their dashboard is straightforward and easy to use, with comprehensive analytics and detailed reports to help you analyze the performance of your videos.
  • Easy Integrations: They offer easy integration for in-app, mobile web and WordPress
  • Video Player: Offers a contextual video player in your app with the SDK
  • Relevant Videos: Video Intelligence's contextually matched premium video content from well-known providers improves viewability along with user experience.

Video Intelligence Payment Info

Video Intelligence sends a credit note post every relevant invoice period and this is payable within 5 working days. The minimum payout threshold for payments is USD 100 and balance below 100 will be carried forward. 

Video Intelligence CPM Rate


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Video Intelligence Key Facts

  • A well-known contextual video platform, Video Intelligence by Outbrain connects publishers, content creators and brands globally
  • They enhance videos by adding data and providing context, thereby enriching them with meaning, relevance, and consistency.
  • Publishers get premium video content from well-known providers.

Video Intelligence Site Type Monetized


Video Intelligence Geos Served

Serves globally.

Video Intelligence Publisher Eligibility


Video Intelligence Pricing


Video Intelligence Revenue Share

Video Intelligence takes 50% share of the net advertising revenue from the revenue generated from successful placement on the Publisher's websites. 

Video Intelligence Ad Formats


Video Intelligence FAQ

Video Intelligence offers solutions for creators, publishers and brands.

VI offers contextual video for apps and you can use their framed contextual video player in your app with their SDK.

Video Intelligence Alternatives