The Best Video Ad Networks for Publishers

Video's share of average daily social media time will hit 60.1% by 2025. According to EMarketer, mobile devices account for 47.9% of the average time spent per day with YouTube, followed by other connected devices, including smart TVs (39.2%) and desktops/laptops (12.9%). Video ads are ads that use the medium of video to sell a product or a service. Depending on your contract, you are paid every time the video plays or every click you get, or every time a sale occurs. Video ad networks connect publishers who are looking for video ads with advertisers offering them. They help automate the process of bidding for the highest video ads, saving your time and increasing your revenue.


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Benefits of Video Ad Networks

Video ad networks offer several benefits to publishers, including:

  • Additional Revenue Stream: Video ad networks enable publishers to generate an additional revenue stream by monetizing their video content through pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll ads. This helps publishers to diversify their revenue sources and increase their overall revenue.
  • High Engagement: Video content is highly engaging and can hold users' attention for longer periods than other forms of content. By providing high-quality video content and relevant video ads, publishers can increase user engagement and drive more traffic to their website or app.
  • Higher CPM Rates: Video ad networks connect publishers with a vast network of advertisers, allowing them to access a larger pool of potential advertising partners. This can lead to higher revenue opportunities and better-quality ads.
  • Customization: Video ad networks provide publishers with customization options, allowing them to choose the types of ads they want to display, the frequency of ad delivery, and the format of the ads. This helps publishers to provide a more personalized user experience, which can increase user engagement and loyalty.
  • Performance Metrics: Video ad networks provide publishers with detailed analytics and reporting features, providing real-time insights into ad performance, user engagement, and revenue generated. This data can help publishers optimize their video ad strategy and maximize their revenue potential.

While video ad networks offer many benefits, it is imperative that you choose the right video ad network or you.



Highfivve is a leading Video Ad Network dedicated to publishers, offering targeted monetization solutions through a diverse range of video ad formats. They specialize in maximizing revenue opportunities by connecting publishers with premium advertisers and providing robust analytics to optimize ad performance.

Relict Media operates as a specialized Video Ad Network, catering to publishers seeking optimized monetization strategies through targeted video advertising placements. Their platform offers seamless integration, robust analytics, and access to premium advertisers, ensuring publishers maximize revenue while enhancing user engagement.



BCM is a video ad network that enables publishers to monetize their content through targeted video advertisements. It offers a platform for integrating video ads seamlessly, enhancing user experience while maximizing revenue potential for publishers.



Venatus operates as a specialized Video Ad Network catering to publishers, facilitating the monetization of digital content through targeted video advertisements. They offer publishers a platform to efficiently integrate and manage video ads, optimizing revenue streams while maintaining a user-friendly experience for their audiences.

(0) is a video ad network that connects publishers with advertisers to monetize digital content through targeted video advertisements. They offer publishers a platform to maximize revenue by seamlessly integrating video ads into their content, enhancing user engagement and monetization potential.



A4G is a leading video ad network designed to optimize ad revenue for publishers through tailored video advertising solutions. Leveraging advanced targeting and data-driven strategies, A4G connects publishers with high-quality video content and advertisers, ensuring maximum engagement and monetization.

MaxValue Media enables publishers to open up their ad inventory for bidding by multiple leading demand partners in real-time. The platform guarantees a minimum 25% revenue increase post the initial 3 weeks. Their high quality banner, in-stream and out-stream video ads are a tested way to amplify revenue streams and maximize yield.

Setupad is one of the best website monetization platforms to increase ad revenue for publishers. Enjoy superior client support and have access to top SSPs.

Snigel has access to premium advertising campaigns as a Google MCM Partner and Google AdX Partner. It is a global advertising technology company headquartered in Dublin, specializing in maximizing ad revenue for publishers through advanced technology and customized solutions. Founded by former Google executives, Snigel focuses on optimizing user experience and meeting data privacy requirements.



Trusted by more than 20,000 publishers, Ad.Plus guarantees a 30% increase from day 1. Ad.Plus offer display and video advertising solutions for publishers that are powered by their artificial intelligence technology.

How to Choose the Right Video Ad Network

Choosing the best video ad network for publishers can be a critical decision that can impact your revenue and user experience. Here are some key factors to consider when evaluating different video ad networks:

  • Ad Inventory: Look for an ad network that offers a large and diverse ad inventory with a wide range of video ad formats, sizes, and targeting options. This will ensure that you have a variety of ad options to choose from and can maximize your revenue potential.
  • Monetization Models: Different ad networks may offer different monetization models, such as CPM (Cost Per Mille), CPC (Cost Per Click), or CPA (Cost Per Action). Consider your website's traffic and audience engagement to determine which model best suits your needs and revenue goals.
  • Ad Quality: It's important to choose an ad network that maintains high ad quality standards to ensure that the ads displayed on your website are relevant, engaging, and safe for your audience. Poor-quality ads can negatively impact user experience and lead to lower revenue.
  • Payment Terms: Review the payment terms offered by the ad network, including payment thresholds, payment methods, and frequency of payments. Make sure they align with your financial requirements and expectations.
  • Support and Customer Service: Evaluate the level of support and customer service provided by the ad network. A responsive and helpful support team can be valuable in resolving issues, addressing concerns, and optimizing your ad performance.
  • Reputation and Trustworthiness: Research the reputation and trustworthiness of the ad network by reading reviews, checking references, and looking for industry certifications. Choose a reputable and trustworthy ad network that has a proven track record of working with publishers and delivering results.

By considering these factors, you can choose the best video ad network for publishers that aligns with your website's needs, audience, and revenue goals. It's important to carefully evaluate your options, compare features, and read reviews to make an informed decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

Common video ad formats include in-stream video ads (pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll), out-stream video ads (such as in-article or in-feed ads), and rewarded video ads (where users are rewarded for watching a video ad).